Leeds & District Roofing Services
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TLX UV25 Breathable felt
When replacing a roof, we only use TLX UV25, the best felt on the market.
Roof membranes are essential components of a structure because they shield the living area from the elements; they serve as an extra layer of waterproofing for the outside cladding. Keeping a structure safe from the British weather is a must for every building in the country. In addition to these advantages, breathable membranes are air permeable, allowing any warm, damp air from the interior to be expelled.
Because of this, there is a considerable decrease in the danger of condensation.
The Benefits of TLX UV25
Air permeable
Hard wearing
Slip resistant
Easy to install
Provide protection from adverse weather conditions
Wind resistance to limit the movement of air
How TLX UV25 Works
Non- breathable membranes need a 50mm ventilation air gap underneath them, while breathable membranes don't. Many historic buildings have little inside room, making this a great space-saving option.
Compared to 1f felt, a breathable membrane-equipped building saves a significant amount of energy.
An air gap of 50mm isn't necessary when a breathable membrane is laid above the rafters in the roof, while it is required when 1f felt is utilised. With a breathable membrane, the rafter area is freed up, allowing for more insulation and energy-efficient construction. Consequently, thermal efficiency may be improved by 87%, and CO2 emissions can be reduced by 57% due to this build-up, while condensation build-up can also be significantly reduced.
Despite the water tightness of roofing materials, air and water vapour can travel through, resulting in condensation and the negative impacts of such. Therefore, to avoid condensation, a UV25 breathable membrane is built into our TLX Gold multi-foil insulation. The glossy, airy surface of the underlayer helps to dissipate heat.
BBA Certified
TLX's BBA-approved, ultra-thin heavy-duty breather membrane boasts impressive performance and durability.
Web Dynamics Ltd.'s TLX Insulation division creates lightweight yet effective thermal barriers.
Blackrod, Lancashire, is home to our manufacturing facilities, scientists, and engineers who have been with the company since its inception in 1993.
When a rise in thermal needs threatens to force a property's loss of interior space or a modification to the roofline, we step in with our specialised insulation materials.
The Insulation Manufacturers and Suppliers Association (TIMSA) welcomes TLX Insulation Ltd. as a new member.
Length: 50m
Width: 1.5m
Area: 75m2
Weight: 165gsm
Roll weight: 12.4kg
Water vapour resistance: 0.21 MNs/g
Fire rating: Class E - EN 13501-1
Colour: black